Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)
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Author:  Gilmour [ 24 May 2012, 21:45 ]
Post subject:  Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

The teleport hub in New Magnicia on Drachenfels offers destinations to community relevant locations, this being establishments for events, shops, rune libraries, museums, or other places of interest.

The Hub is located on the plot formerly known as SE-1 on Trammel facet on Drachenfels shard. the most south eastern house on New Magincia.

You also can get a teleporter here. Reply to this thread or use our contact form to get in touch with us.

Only Requirement is it is an establishment of some community interest!

You can use the below image to find the location of the tp you search.

Ground Floor
1A: The Busy Bee (Shop)
1B: Deal or No Deal (Event)
1C: Finley's Workshop (Shop)
1D: Duncan's School of Archery and Shop (Shop)
1E: Auction House (Event)
1F: New Magincia Casino (Event)
1H: The Black Rose (Player Town (Drachental))
1I: Dr. Alzheimer Memorial (Memorial)
1J: Chicken Arena (Event)
1K: Stygian Abyss House West (Dungeon)
1L: Stygian Abyss House Easy (Dungeon)
1M: Golden Crane Library (Rune Library)
1N: S-Mart (Shop)
1O: East Britain Community Museum (Museum)
1P: CICA Shop and Collection Treasure (Shop & Museum)
1Q: Hunter's Museum (Museum)
1R: Hunter's Runelibrary (Rune Library)

Available on ground floor: 1G. If anyone want this spot, let us know.

First Floor
2A: Fire Forge Shop (Shop)
2B: Gackhaven (Playertown)
2C: MaDArroW Bow Museum (Museum & Shop)
2D: Knuckleheads' Silent Auctions (Event)
2I: Ol' Silverbow Shop (Shop)
2J: Beergarden (Social)
2K: New Magincia Tavern (Social)
2L: CLOWNs Marketplace (Shop)
2M: Knuckleheads' Reward Hall (Museum)
2N: Knuckleheads' Town Banner (Playertown)
2O: Knuckleheads' Guild House (Social)
2P: Knuckleheads' Event Gate (Event)
2Q: The Monster Museum (Museum)
2R: Blue Chavalier Tavern (Social)
2S: New Magincia Town Hall (Event)

Available on first floor: 2E, 2F, 2G, 2H & 2T. If anyone want one of these spots, let us know.

Updated: August 28th 2016




Author:  Frarc [ 25 May 2012, 08:15 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Its a great Project! :)

Author:  Nick [ 25 May 2012, 10:48 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Best idea ever!

Author:  Gilmour [ 26 Feb 2013, 16:53 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Updated original post, to reflect the expansion and updated index.

Author:  Stephen [ 14 Sep 2013, 20:30 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Updated the list.. Sadly I've had to take 2 TP's down.. I am, as always, interested in adding more.. If any of you have suggestions, please let me know!

Author:  Stephen [ 28 Sep 2013, 06:20 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Another update..

Added "Deal or No Deal" to the ground floor at 1B..

As always; if you have suggestions, don't be shy!

Author:  Stephen [ 09 Feb 2014, 21:47 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Yet another update!

Added 2L: CLOWNs Marketplace

Changed 2R: The Art of Decoration (Museum) to 2R: Blue Chavalier Tavern (Social)..

Marked 1O as Reserved!

Removed 2M: My Little Shop (Shop).. :( The TP was no longer valid.. If this is a mistake, please let me know as soon as possible!

If you find any other mistakes, don't hesitate to tell me! Thanks.. :D

Safe travels
- Steph

Author:  Stephen [ 24 Aug 2014, 00:55 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Updates from the dead (aka ... me).. Sorry about the inactivity for the past couple of months.. Life has been......... let's just say: Rough!

Removed 1C: Woodcutter's Rest. Hendrix is on "vacation".. So let's patiently wait till he gets back to his business. Safe travels where ever you go!

This means 1C is available! If anyone is interested in this spot, let me know!

- Steph

Author:  anjanca [ 11 Sep 2014, 08:59 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

hiho Steph,

is 1c still available? We don't have a very important business, but to prevent this ugly empty space we would like to place a teleporter. just as a placeholder till someone more important shows up or hendrix find his way back :)

Author:  Stephen [ 11 Sep 2014, 20:45 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Sure.. If we don't get a chance to meet up in game, you can just drop a TP in the mailbox, and I will set it up.. Just make sure that the destination TP is set to "Everyone".. ;)

Ohh.. Also drop a book, with the name you want in the mailbox..

- Steph

Author:  Stephen [ 08 Oct 2014, 16:51 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Added East Britain Community Museum to 1O..

Thank you for the contribution!

Now let's all go see the new place..

Author:  Stephen [ 17 Apr 2015, 20:29 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

I have been away from UO for quite a while now, and in the meantime I didn't keep the Hub updated.. For that I apologize!

It appears that the house, which contained the Council of Yew teleporter, has decayed, so I had to remove them from Hub.. If any CoY member wants to get in touch with me, just do so on ICQ: 64 11 05 19 or E-Mail: or simply leave a message here!

Two new teleporters are now in place:
1C: Finley's Workshop (Shop) - Sorry Finley for taking so long updating this!
1G: Temple of Ri (Healer Temple) - In place of CoY TP

Sorry for any inconveniences my absence may have caused..

Safe travels to you all!

Author:  Stephen [ 28 Aug 2016, 02:09 ]
Post subject:  Re: Teleport Hub (Drachenfels)

Feel like I'm making this kind of post every year! Again I have been absent! And again I must apologize. Sorry to everyone!

A much needed update:
Had to remove 1G: Temple of Ri (Healer Temple). So 1G is once again available.. The owner of the TP can contact me on ICQ: 64 11 05 19 or E-Mail: or simply leave a message here!

Some new TPs have been added:
2I: Ol' Silverbow Shop (Shop)
2J: Beergarden (Social)
2L: CLOWNs Marketplace (Shop) - Seems I forgot to add this last time!
2M: Knuckleheads' Reward Hall (Museum)
2N: Knuckleheads' Town Banner (Playertown)

Also added a Moonstone Crystal on the front steps near the other teleport crystals. Thanks to Eysha and Siward!

Yet again: Sorry for any inconveniences my absence may have caused..

Safe travels to you all!

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