Greetings Travelers, Gamblers and Citizens of Sosaria.
I have been honored with the duty to announce the Grand Opening of the Blackrock Casino.
This will happen this Saturday:The 17th of March 2012 from 19:00 CET/MEZ (18:00 GMT/UTC).In the Blackrock Casino.
Opening Night RaffleOn opening night there will be a raffle for items to be won, These are no ordenary items, they will be displayed in chest(s) near the stage on the 2nd floor of the casino, untill they are won.
Tickets for this will be purchaseable from a vendor near or on the stage, Only on opening night!
On event nights the tables are OpenYou can then bet your gold on different dice games. The rules and the different games are explained at a golden book at the tables both in German and English.
Allowed sizes of bets are 100k, 500k and 1 million. Returns are 1:1 unless otherwise specified in the book.
If you don't have any ready checks to bet, there are check exchangers available, that sell checks of amounts to bet.
Later on, there will also be served alcohol from the lovely waitresses.
Slot machines always openyou can always play the slot machines found on the base floor. This works as following:
1. Buy a key of the vendor
2. Try and see if it fits in the box that is locate on top of the slot machine.
3. If it fits, open the box and whats in it is yours to keep!
WIN EXTRA: With the content of the box is a book which contains a code, write your name and contact info in the book and drop in the mailbox at the entrance for a chance at the monthly giveaways.
Other GamesThe board game vendor on the roof and sorrounding tables also offer games that doesn't make you risk your gold. This is also open for casual gamers 24/7.
Getting to the casino is easy.There are 3 teleporters in place to the casino at the following locations:
- Drachenfels Teleport Hub
- Knuckleheads Auction House
- Chicken Arena (Just north of S-Mart)
Runes will also be dropped on the day of the event.

Blackrock Casino