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 Post subject: Goodbye....
PostPosted: 17 Dec 2007, 13:21 
Site Administrator
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18 Feb 2004
Esbjerg, DK
Played Since:
Original Release

The time has come for me to say goodbye to Ultima Online.. This is indeed a sad day for me and I wish this could be different, but alas this is what I have to do.. Everything I held dear in the world of UO has pretty much crumbled and been left in ruin and there isn't much I even want to hang on to ingame anymore.. I have certainly tried getting properly back into the game, and tried VERY hard actually.. But it feels like I have to work to be able to be in a game I used to be in just because I loved it.. I've always said that when UO became work for me and not fun, I would pack my bags. This is that time.

Let me just answer a few questions that might come up. No, none of my accounts will be given away or sold. No, none of my houses or items will be given away or sold. To those of you who will be looking for my IDOCs, you wont get much other than some good house spots, and I wish you luck placing if so you choose.

I have given alot to UO over the years; time, money, sweat, tears and blood. And I haven't asked for much in return other than a friendly community. Can only say that I have enjoyed my many many years in UO and I have indeed loved my chars and the friends around me. Much will be missed but alot will also be a relief to be rid of. I wish you all fun in the game and safe travels.

Until I find my next big MMO love I can be found in a few other games. To those interested; CS, Quake3 and LOTRO. My ICQ wont come online much anymore and will stop completely once I've fully cut bonds with UO (which will definetly take some time since I've still got 3 months left on my accounts *sigh* and lots to sort out aswell) and I will be to find on my old ICQ (64110519) but anything UO related will be ignored..

To those who have vendors in my shop, you have about 3? months time to sort it out, I figure that should be enough. The same goes to all of those who have items stored in my homes, I will get in touch with you personally about that though.

I think that covers it all. So take care you all.. And maybe I'll see ya in that next big MMO!

- Steph


~ Steph's Corner ~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 17 Dec 2007, 18:04 
Site Administrator
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18 Feb 2004
Viborg, DK
Played Since:
The Second Age
Hmm... :-/

but honestly, you lived and breathed for the community, and when you chose not to be a part of that the main reasons for you here faded. You have always been welcome in the knuckles alliance but you chose to be alone, for reasons i still do not understand, but oki, i wont drill in it anymore, im sure you had valid reasons for it.

Been a pleasure working with you both with guild/alliance administration/creation and daily management, and you were always a good help if someone needed a hand with a rescue mission, a set of armour for a newbie or.. you name it, you were there to help.

But i am sad to see you go, although i have sensed it coming with your remoteness from the community past month or two, but we all hoped it was just tempoarily untill you found yourself again. and once again could be the wise man of the knuckles alliance, but seems the problem or problmes, whatever it/they is excactly i dont know, but they ran deeper than i thought.

But i will surely add your old icq to my list, and dont worry, im not gonna attempt to talk you out of it, because i can read from your post that your desition is final and nothing we can say or do will change that desition.

And surely i wish you all well where ever that might be, in games, communities and not least in real life as well. and hope that you can contribute to other gaming communities like you have for drachenfels. They would be very fortunete to have you there.

i do have one question tho which concerns me: the website, domain and hosting, will it continue to run or should I take ownership of it and pay bills from here on? (which i would do if needed, np). The website have been a great accet for the alliance, mainly the forums are very usefull in day to day administration and so on, and we would hate to lose that.

Safe travels to you wherever you may be


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 Post subject:
PostPosted: 17 Dec 2007, 21:00 
Site Administrator
Site Administrator
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18 Feb 2004
Esbjerg, DK
Played Since:
Original Release
Hmmmm.. I guess I should be glad you have some concern that isn't really about me....???... Well.. Nothing to worry about.. For now nothing changes with this site..

~ Steph's Corner ~

 Post subject:
PostPosted: 17 Dec 2007, 21:55 
Site Administrator
Site Administrator
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18 Feb 2004
Viborg, DK
Played Since:
The Second Age
hmm.... i dont think i have to worry about you being alrite where ever you may be or do. that you can manage np.. and your original post was pretty clear that you made up your mind, and nothing we can say or do will change your stubbern mind. so am not even gonna try. i understand that your reasons for playing have been fading lately, and i was hoping it was tempoarily, but no such luck.

but seems you went from one extreme to another, from legendary banksitter to solo player, i dont know what changed in your offline time during spring and summer but something is definetly changed in your perception of things in uo.

anyways, i just want wish you luck on your journey where ever it may take you, in game as well as in real life, and perhaps we meet somewhere else, another game, another time, another life, who knows.. unlikely? sure.. but it could happen ;)

i added your old icq to my list, and hope i can still ask a few stupid questions about photoshop and so.

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: 18 Dec 2007, 17:55 
Alliance Member
Alliance Member

19 Sep 2006
I cant realy say much to that beside that i realy wish you only the best in all other games you d chooce...i am sad of loosing you fully ingame..but i have your icq...
For me personaly something from drachenfels will die without the knowing you are somewhere around ,or to take a look at your homes even when you wasnt that much around the last month..
I ll miss you much coz you have shown me what uo can mean ,before i met you 1,5 years ago at bank uo was more a singleplayer game for me i havnt liked crowded places with many other players..i stayd at bank coz it was always fun there when you were around..i have started to love that ,wbb becomed a home..thanks much for that

Stay clean!......Dani


 Post subject:
PostPosted: 16 Jan 2008, 17:22 
Journeyman Poster
Journeyman Poster
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04 Sep 2007
Well here comes the reflex beast

took me a whole month to see that you are gone
well since im not much around lately that might explain it

i will also add ur other ICQ since i liked the movie chats we had
by the way have seen a lot good ones latly *G*

Well Take care and keep me posted about ur new MMO if u find one
could need something new as well :-(

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